On Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 12:57 AM, Andreas Kolbe <jayen...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We are not talking about filtering standard sex education images as you
> might find in a school book. We are talking about images or videos of women
> (...)
> Andreas

 Maybe I'm just asking for it, but I just did some searches for these
things, and only found two out of the three.  Both of them took a fair bit
of searching to find, as well.  I suppose I might be able to stumble across
them by chance but I think it would be unlikely.  The one I didn't find
would I think be illegal under Florida law, and "illegal" is a different
kettle of fish to "inappropriate".

> My take is that the internet is not here to teach our kids. We are
there for that. That is my role as a mother, and the responsibility I
took on when deciding to have kids. And I intend to give my best to
fill that role and make sure that I give as many tools as I can to my
children to live in the world we live in. I don't think that hoping
that someone else is going to "protect them" from all bad things is
the answer.

Thank you for your perspective :-).  I agree that I'd rather do the
teaching myself, but I think the reality is in this day and age is that the
Internet will probably be first, especially on some of the more 'unusual'
expressions of human sexuality.  This is something I think that us older
folk are going to be unprepared for, at my son's age I'd never actually
touched a computer, let alone been able to surf an Internet!  Part of the
strategy of course is to set the tone in the household to something
appropriate, my son is growing up in a sex-positive environment where sex
is not seen as something taboo or undesirable, so with any luck when he
eventually does stumble across some of those things that Andreas mentioned,
more likely on the wider internet than on Wikipedia, he can process them

I guess what I'm getting at, is that I don't view some difficult to find
stuff in an obscure corner of Commons as anywhere near as big a worry as
some easily accessible Internet pornography which portrays some people
purely as sexual objects for the gratification of other people.  Even a
100% perfect filter on Wikimedia projects isn't going to fix that.
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