Sounds good... go for it...
On 6/3/2012 12:50 PM, Sarah Stierch wrote:
Hi everyone,

I think we're on the "Beating a dead horse" again situation with this subject.[1] We will be going in circles about it - most of us seem to not care as much as others, and no one seems to be taking any direct action at this point. *I'm evening proposing this: someone can create a mailing list or an on-wiki space (even better!) to continue the discussion and those folks interested in examining pornography, sex related, whatnot images on Wikimedia projects can discuss it until their hearts content and think about ways to take action, etc.*

After request from a few participants off list and my own personal interest, I'm declaring that we kill this thread and move on.

Participants in this thread may now under go moderator regarding this specific thread.

And what's more interesting, is that the majority of women who are participating in this conversation seem to be the one's with the least concern about it, go figure.

Thanks everyone,



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