
I have given some thought to the proposal by Sebb that replaces my proposal.

There have been on/off talks over a long time about simplifying the 
maintenance, common for the talks are the wish to only maintain a single file, 
preferable json format.

The proposal from Sebb have a lot of good qualities, but the latest suggestion 
is a file pr project combined with yaml files, this is far from the original 
wish and something I cannot support. I am also a bit concerned about having a 
bot running for something that changes 3-4 times pr year, it seem like a waste 
of Infra resources.

It is important that the maintenance can be carried out easily and it is 
important that the look/feel of the site stays identical e.g. old urls must 
remain available. Adding a struct in a json file secures easy maintenance, as 
in the original proposal.

Please let us not complicate things. This started because I wanted to simplify 
my life and have grown into something bigger. Bigger might be better, but is it 
really needed, and are there somebody willing to do our job (move retired 
project to the Attic) ?

Jan I.

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