Don't laugh too much. About a month or so ago I made a remark about
Christian fundamentalist on a local mailing list and the response wasn't
pleasant. This pattern of thought is everywhere, at least in this part of
the world.

Regards, Dustin

> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Randy le Jeune
> Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 11:29 AM
> Subject: RE: [brluglist] BSD Joke
> Well, it was funny after the fact . . . I doubt if Ms. Branagan thought of
> it that way though. Hell, I even run BSD at home! Ooops, I said "Hell". ;)
> Randy
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 11:07 AM
> Subject: Re: [brluglist] BSD Joke
> Funny! Good thing she didn't mention curses... :)
> You know, now that I think about it, it really isn't
> funny. In fact, it's kinda scary, in a Neo-Luddite
> Fundamentalist kinda way.
> Possible scenerio - tele-evangelist preacher, in a
> foam-mouthed rant: "These criminal HACKERS say there
> are DAEMONS in their COMPUTERS!!! We must cast these
> DAEMONS out!!!"
> John Hebert
> --- Randy le Jeune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I got this from the website of an east-coast LUG and
> > thought it was funny at
> > the time. Anyway, here goes:
> >
> >
> =======================================================================
> >
> > Linda Branagan is an expert on daemons. She has a
> > T-shirt that sports the
> > daemon in tennis shoes that appears on the cover of
> > the 4.3BSD manuals and
> > _The Design and Implementation of the 4.3BSD UNIX
> > Operating System_ by S.
> > Leffler, M. McKusick, M. Karels, J. Quarterman,
> > Addison-Wesley Publishing
> > Company, Reading, MA 1989.
> >
> > She tells the following story about wearing the
> > 4.3BSD daemon T-shirt:
> >
> > Last week I walked into a local "home style cookin'
> > restaurant/watering
> > hole" in Texas to pick up a take-out order. I spoke
> > briefly to the waitress
> > behind the counter, who told me my order would be
> > done in a few minutes. So,
> > while I was busy gazing at the farm implements
> > hanging on the walls, I was
> > approached by two ``natives.'' These guys might just
> > be the original Texas
> > rednecks.
> >
> > ``Pardon us, ma'am. Mind if we ask you a question?''
> > Well, people keep telling me that Texans are real
> > friendly, so I nodded.
> > ``Are you a Satanist?''
> > Well, at least they didn't ask me if I liked to
> > party.
> > ``Uh, no, I can't say that I am.''
> > ``Gee, ma'am. Are you sure about that?'' they asked.
> > I put on my biggest, brightest Dallas Cowboys
> > cheerleader smile and said,
> > ``No, I'm positive. The closest I've ever come to
> > Satanism is watching
> > Geraldo.''
> > ``Hmmm. Interesting. See, we was just wondering why
> > it is you have the lord
> > of darkness on your chest there.''
> > I was this close to slapping one of them and causing
> > a scene -- then I
> > stopped and noticed the shirt I happened to be
> > wearing that day. Sure
> > enough, it had a picture of a small,
> > devilish-looking creature that has for
> > some time now been associated with a certain
> > operating system. In this
> > particular representation, the creature was wearing
> > sneakers.
> > They continued: ``See, ma'am, we don't exactly
> > appreciate it when people
> > show off pictures of the devil. Especially when he's
> > lookin' so friendly.''
> > These idiots sounded terrifyingly serious.
> > Me: ``Oh, well, see, this isn't really the devil,
> > it's just, well, it's sort
> > of a mascot.
> > Native: ``And what kind of football team has the
> > devil as a mascot?''
> > Me: ``Oh, it's not a team. It's an operating -- uh,
> > a kind of
> > computer.''
> > I figured that an ATM machine was about as much
> > technology as these guys
> > could handle, and I knew that if I so much as
> > uttered the word ``UNIX'' I
> > would only make things worse.
> > Native: ``Where does this satanical computer come
> > from?''
> > Me: ``California. And there's nothing satanical
> > about it really.''
> > Somewhere along the line here, the waitress noticed
> > my predicament -- but
> > these guys probably outweighed her by 600 pounds, so
> > all she did was look at
> > me sympathetically and run off into the kitchen.
> > Native: ``Ma'am, I think you're lying. And we'd
> > appreciate it if you'd leave
> > the premises now.''
> > Fortunately, the waitress returned that very instant
> > with my order, and they
> > agreed that it would be okay for me to actually pay
> > for my food before I
> > left. While I was at the cash register, they amused
> > themselves by talking to
> > each other.
> > Native #1: ``Do you think the police know about
> > these devil computers?''
> > Native #2: ``If they come from California, then the
> > FBI oughta know about
> > 'em.''
> > They escorted me to the door. I tried one last time:
> > ``You're really blowing
> > this all out of proportion. A lot of people use this
> > `kind of computers.'
> > Universities, researchers, businesses. They're
> > actually very useful.''
> > Big, big, BIG mistake. I should have guessed at what
> > came next.
> > Native: ``Does the government use these devil
> > computers?''
> > Me: ``Yes.''
> > Another BIG boo-boo.
> > Native: ``And does the government pay for 'em? With
> > our tax dollars?''
> > I decided that it was time to jump ship.
> > Me: ``No. Nope. Not at all. Your tax dollars never
> > entered the
> > picture at all. I promise. No sir, not a penny. Our
> > good Christian
> > congressmen would never let something like that
> > happen. Nope. Never. Bye.''
> >
> >
> =======================================================================
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 10:30 AM
> > Subject: RE: [brluglist] Actual Resignation Letter
> > from a System
> > Administrator
> >
> >
> > What is this! Where did you get this one from? :) I
> > busted out when I read
> > the ketchup bit.
> >
> > Regards, Dustin
> >
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