Um, good point. We haven't even defined the people we are trying to serve 
yet. Okay, let's define the following:

What kind of library patrons are we trying to attact?

Saying "all" isn't going to be very beneficial here I think. Are we aiming 
at new users, experienced users, anyone interested in computers whatsoever? 
Can we assume certain levels of skill?

Regards, Dustin

At 10:10 AM 8/29/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Are we only targeting newbies?  I am sure that there are lots of people 
>out there that do not have fast access that would love to be able to run 
>down to their local library, checkout their favorite distro, take it home, 
>and burn copies.
>If we do not use the designs of the manufacturers unless specifically 
>allowed to, it is really trivial to burn a few CDs of a distro and make 
>labels of our own design.  For example, I can burn all three CDs of 
>Mandrake 8.2, print labels and have them ready to go in less than an hour 
>(probably within 30 minutes).
>If we simplify our project by little or no contact with manufacturers for 
>permissions, we can get it off the ground much faster and smoother with 
>less hassle.
>Just my opinion.
>Bill LeBlanc
>At 08:59 PM 8/28/02 -0500, you wrote:
>>I am on the other side of the fence. I am thinking of the patrons that 
>>will be accessing this stuff. Most will have little information about 
>>Linux. I think we should focus more on distributions like Knoppix that 
>>don't require a dedicated PC. Also, I think for now we need to keep this 
>>limited to two or three distributions. After running the program for a 
>>bit we will know how every works and then be able to expand. In fact, 
>>this is one of the reasons why I ended up taking a more active role in 
>>the project--everything was at a stand-still in large part because we 
>>were looking at doing too much too soon. At least, that's what I saw 
>>happening. I think we should stay small and targeted at first and then 
>>see how everything works out. No rush.
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Dustin Puryear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Puryear Information Technology
Windows, UNIX, and IT Consulting

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