I would suggest targeting highschool students, and adults in the
newbie and intermediate catagories..  The students will be all over
the board, or think they are at least.  The adults will be from
beginner to intermediate, and curious.  I read a recent survey that
said over 80% of the Open Source developers are below age 32.  I
suspect that is the age we are targeting, 14 or 15 to 32.

Doug Riddle

--- Dustin Puryear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Um, good point. We haven't even defined the people we are trying to
> serve 
> yet. Okay, let's define the following:
> What kind of library patrons are we trying to attact?
> Saying "all" isn't going to be very beneficial here I think. Are we
> aiming 
> at new users, experienced users, anyone interested in computers
> whatsoever? 
> Can we assume certain levels of skill?
> Regards, Dustin
> At 10:10 AM 8/29/2002 -0500, you wrote:
> >Dustin,
> >
> >Are we only targeting newbies?  I am sure that there are lots of
> people 
> >out there that do not have fast access that would love to be able
> to run 
> >down to their local library, checkout their favorite distro, take
> it home, 
> >and burn copies.
> >
> >If we do not use the designs of the manufacturers unless
> specifically 
> >allowed to, it is really trivial to burn a few CDs of a distro and
> make 
> >labels of our own design.  For example, I can burn all three CDs
> of 
> >Mandrake 8.2, print labels and have them ready to go in less than
> an hour 
> >(probably within 30 minutes).
> >
> >If we simplify our project by little or no contact with
> manufacturers for 
> >permissions, we can get it off the ground much faster and smoother
> with 
> >less hassle.
> >
> >Just my opinion.
> >Bill LeBlanc
> >
> >At 08:59 PM 8/28/02 -0500, you wrote:
> >>I am on the other side of the fence. I am thinking of the patrons
> that 
> >>will be accessing this stuff. Most will have little information
> about 
> >>Linux. I think we should focus more on distributions like Knoppix
> that 
> >>don't require a dedicated PC. Also, I think for now we need to
> keep this 
> >>limited to two or three distributions. After running the program
> for a 
> >>bit we will know how every works and then be able to expand. In
> fact, 
> >>this is one of the reasons why I ended up taking a more active
> role in 
> >>the project--everything was at a stand-still in large part
> because we 
> >>were looking at doing too much too soon. At least, that's what I
> saw 
> >>happening. I think we should stay small and targeted at first and
> then 
> >>see how everything works out. No rush.
> >
> >
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> ---
> Dustin Puryear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Puryear Information Technology
> Windows, UNIX, and IT Consulting
> http://www.puryear-it.com
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Warmest Regards,
Doug Riddle
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