On Nov 19, 2007 8:11 PM, John Hebert <johnahebert at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Shannon,
> I've looked at a few open source Electronic Document
> Management Systems a few years, but nothing was really
> eye-catching then.
> A few questions:
> 1. How many total users of the system?

Total possible users is ~500 if you count everyone, however I don't
think everyone in the org will use it.  I can see maybe 20 people
posting docs.

> 2. How many of those users will be using the system at
> any one time?

probably max of about 20 possible, more likely only a couple - if that.

> 3. Do you have a rough estimate of the number of
> documents you will be putting into the system over say
> a month?

> 4. Any idea how large these documents will be on the
> average?

Everything from a small text file, to word docs, ppt, and pdfs.

> 5. What kind of documents will you be storing? Images?
> PDFs?

> 6. How will you be indexing the documents when put
> them in the system? By hand? Automation?

Hmm... probably just user entered metadata at time of posting.

> Windows implementation. I am not recommending to you
> however, as it is $$$.

Yeah... this is a zero budget thing for a 501(c)3.

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