That sounds bad!!

Then on the other hand, would it be
1) all bandwidth used
2) only downlink
3) only uplink

If ISP's indeed are going to go this way, I have a gut feeling that having the variable charge only on the uplink would make more sense and would be accepted by consumers a bit better. (Consumers whom understand the difference....) Or am I way off?

Then, when here in US the changes have been favorable to the customers..... that would be extremely rare...


Chopin Cusachs wrote:
Maybe a solution is on the way.  Time Warner is testing a scheme in
which customers would be billed on the bandwith they use, rather
than a flat fee.  See

Seems reasonable to me.


At 04:06 PM 1/16/2008, Mat Branyon wrote:
Who is out to get who?  I think the big motivator for these companies
would be to conserve bandwidth.  Its a known fact that they oversell
their bandwidth (everyone shares the same pipe, no guarantee of the
speed you are paying for).  So when it gets popular to share large
files, people might start noticing that they never get anything close
to the service they are paying for.

What they need to do instead of blocking things people want, is fork
up the infrastructure to support what people want.

People want more bandwidth.

If scientists can send dvds of data in seconds, why can't I stream dvd
quality video?

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