Hello Community,

At MarkLogic, we just had our annual Tech Summit, a gathering of all the 
technical employees in the company. It was a great event with useful insights 
from Engineering, Product Management, and our Field team!

By the way, if you've ever wondered what I look like, here I 
fully in the spirit of the Oktoberfest-themed event Tuesday night.

Demo Jam!
Some of you have had the opportunity to participate in a Demo Jam. For those 
who haven't, participants get five minutes to present their demo. The winner is 
the whoever who gets the crowd to yell the loudest for them (don't go if you 
have a headache). Some of the entries have already been posted to GitHub:

  *   MLREPL<https://github.com/lonhutt/mlrepl> -- Lon Hutt's a 
read/evaluate/print loop that runs MarkLogic Server-side JavaScript
  *   MarkBots<https://github.com/wooldridge/markbots> -- Mike Wooldridge's 
Internet-of-Things inspired demo, with Raspberry Pi picturing-taking robots 
sending data to MarkLogic
     *   Mike's previous Demo Jam entry, Snippet 
Hunt<https://github.com/wooldridge/snippet-hunt>, is on GitHub too. He's 
promised me a blog post on this one of these days….
  *   Changing the Game<https://github.com/christyharagan/ml-demojam-gamelogic> 
-- Deepti Naidu and Christy Haragan entertained us with their GameLogic demo

Hands-on Sessions
We also ran hands-on sessions that were originally written for MarkLogic World. 
You can actually find some of the materials for the sessions on MarkLogic and 
the Node Client API<https://github.com/dmcassel/hands-on-node>, 
Semantics<https://github.com/grechaw/semantics-tutorial>, and 
Bitemp<https://github.com/marklogic/bitemp-explorer> online, but the real value 
is from the questions we get while running them.

Blog posts
September brought us four new posts on the DMC blog. In case you missed them:

  *   Finding the Right Balance with 
MarkLogic<http://developer.marklogic.com/blog/database-rebalancing> -- insights 
into how rebalancing works
  *   MarkLogic Interns Enhanced the Bitemp 
Explorer<http://developer.marklogic.com/blog/2015-interns> -- I worked with 
four interns this summer to add a bunch of features to the original bitemp 
  *   How to Use MarkLogic in Apache Spark 
applications<http://developer.marklogic.com/blog/marklogic-spark-example> -- 
Spark is a fast-growing Apache project; see how Spark and MarkLogic can work 
  *   Optimizing Cost and Access with Tiered 
Storage<http://developer.marklogic.com/blog/tiered-storage> -- see how this 
feature can reduce your storage costs

No fair peaking. Take your best guess, then click the links to see the answers.

  *   How many MarkLogic questions have been asked on Stack Overflow? 
  *   How many MarkLogic-related repositories are on GitHub? 

Dave Cassel<http://davidcassel.net>, @dmcassel<https://twitter.com/dmcassel>
Technical Community Manager
MarkLogic Corporation<http://www.marklogic.com/>

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