> validate-skinconf:
> /home/bodewig/gump/src/documentation/skinconf.xml:131:19: error: required
attributes missing
> /home/bodewig/dev/xml-forrest/build/dist/shbat/targets/validate.xml:145:
Validation failed, messages should have been provided.

Gak! I struggled with this for two weeks, with RelaxNG (used inside forrest
to verify that XML against it's embedded scheme) not giving any useful error
messages. I reported it to the forrest team, but eventually found a 'fix' by
copying their skinconf and merging in Gump information.

Why this is now coming up again might be because I reported it, and folks
tinkered with things, but I am kinda flabergasted. [From what I saw they
just made more things optional.]

So, your forrest (likely a week later of CVS HEAD than mine) now fails, and
mine doesn't. I really can't get my head around that. Can the forrest guys

FWIIW: I have this, what do you have Stefan?

F:\data\OSS\gump>forrest -projecthelp

Apache Forrest.  Run 'forrest -projecthelp' to list options

Buildfile: F:\data\OSS\forrest\forrest.build.xml

    |                 Forrest Site Builder                  |
    |                        0.6-dev                        |
    |             $Date: 2004/02/14 12:26:18 $              |



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