Anybody see an reason (licensing, other) why we should not use this:

in Gump? [I found nothing else via Google. I also looked on
(including in the package index) and in ASPN cookbook.]

We use logging [we even bundle it for Python 2.2], we use wxPython, so any
reason we oughtn't use this? We could make it optional (detect if it is
installed, or not.)

I'd like to use it to generate some SVG images. I believe that some browsers
can render [right term?] them raw (IE just seemed to, albeit slowly), but I
also believe that Forrest uses Batik to generate PNG (I assume for browser
portability). Again, I'll try to make this optional, so folks don't have to
give up the cycles if they don't wish to.

I'd like to start simple (perhaps generate some slider type images to show
FOG values, etc.) Eventually I'd like to draw some graphs representing
dependency tress, etc.

Any feedback? Any objections?


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