The CleanUp branch is getting pretty darn close to matching the CVS HEAD
Gump again (the odd 'didn't expand @@DATE@@ somewhere obscure' kinda bug
might exist, but not in the first  projects, or so this seems to show:

However, we get this w/ CleanUp running on JDK1.5:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError:
org/apache/tools/ant/Main (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)

I suspect that this means that (1) the JDK 1.5 compiler was found/used by
bootstrap-ant and and (2) the JDK 1.4 compiler was found/used by Ant and
does not grok JDK 1.5 classes. Just a guess.

Any thoughts on how we tighten things up in an environment where we have
multiple compilers/JDKs installed? Can we get Ant to (tersely) tell us which
compiler it has found and is using? Ought we try to tell Ant?

The story this tells, is confused (at best):

Thanks in advance.


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