On Jan 14, 2011, at 11:16 AM, Tsz Wo (Nicholas), Sze wrote:

> Hi Nigel,
>> As I look more at the impact of the common/MR/HDFS project split on what
>> and how we release Hadoop, I feel like the split needs an adjustment.  Many
>> folks I've talked to agree that the project split has caused us a splitting
>> headache.  I think 1 relatively small change could alleviate some of that.
> Could you elaborate your idea on how the proposed changes would help?  What 
> the 
> problems are being addressed?  It is not clear to me.

Critical in my mind was my statement: "We're a long way from releasing these 3 
projects independently.  Given that, they should be branched and released as a 
unit."  This can not be enforced given the current svn layout. Other's can 
weigh in with additional thoughts.

> You are right that the change is small but the impact is huge.  We should 
> first 
> understand what we are getting from the changes before doing it.

What do you see as the huge impact?


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