On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 10:02 PM, Nigel Daley <nda...@mac.com> wrote:

> I'm still planning to make this SVN change on Thursday this week.
> Ian, Owen, Todd, note the questions I ask you below.  Can you help with
> these on Thursday?

Unfortunately I'm out of the office most of the day on Thursday with a
customer. I'll be available Thursday evening, though, to help with any

I'm currently looking into how the git mirrors are setup in Apache-land.

My guess is that there will be some disturbance to developers on Thurs
afternoon / Friday as this gets sorted out, even if we try to plan as much
as possible. Would it be better to do this on Friday so that we have the
weekend to fix up broken pieces before people get to work on Monday?


> On Apr 9, 2011, at 11:09 PM, Nigel Daley wrote:
> All,
> As discussed in Jan/Feb, I'd like to coordinate a date for committing the
> re-organization of our svn layout:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-7106.  I propose Thursday
> April 21 at 11am PDT.
> - I will send out reminders leading up to that date.
> - I will announce on IRC when I'm about to start the changes.
> - I will run the script to make the changes.
> - Ian, can you update the asf-authorization-template file and the
> asf-mailer.conf files at the same time?
> - Owen/Todd/Jukka, can you make sure that actions needed by git users are
> taken care of at the same time? (what are these?)
> More info on this change is at http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/ProjectSplit
> Cheers,
> Nige

Todd Lipcon
Software Engineer, Cloudera

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