On 05/02/2011 03:05 PM, Andrew Purtell wrote:
> What strikes me, as an observer to this discussion, is that here
> "community" does not seem equated with Yahoo by implication. Perhaps
> I misread. Nevertheless, Yahoo retains a good percentage of active
> Core developers with standing as both committers and high scale
> users, and these people produced the contribution that is branch
> 0.20.203, and therefore by definition "the community" was entirely
> involved in its production.

Whether or not a subset of contributors acts as the community depends on
whether others outside that subset have a reasonable opportunity to
become involved.  Until this release vote was called it wasn't entirely
clear to all what was happening with these branches.  Wider community
involvement is now starting as folks work to rationalize this 450-issue
patch with respect to past and future releases, Jira, etc.

> Yahoo should be commended for advancing the state of branch 0.20 with
> an obvious commitment to donating the results to Apache. As a
> community we are lucky to have a strong contributor. Their security
> enhancements allow us and many others the option of strong
> authentication and user isolation for multitenant deployments.


> A commercial vendor's product already incorporates Yahoo's donated
> security enhancements. It would be regrettable if nontechnical
> factors ultimately prevents Apache from incorporating the value of
> these contributions into an official release.




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