Eli wrote:
> Each change was done individually with it's own jira, patch, and
> review.  People can review the sub-tasks if they don't want to look at
> the entire patch. The majority of the changes were reviewed before
> they were committed, when that wasn't the case review feedback was
> incorporated in follow-on patches. I don't see how this is any
> different from eg how federation was developed.
That's super.

The question at hand is does the community want to go ahead with the
1073 model, or not?  My preference is not, but since some in the
community like it, I'd suggest making a small tweak to bring it closer
in line with the intent of our bylaws, which clearly are RTC: "The
code can be committed after the first +1."  It's not productive to
re-litigate the individual commits on 1073.

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