+1. As you said, lets revisit this, if progress is slow due to reviews being

On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 3:24 PM, Aaron T. Myers <a...@cloudera.com> wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> Since it seems that several people are opposed to the modified CTR portion
> of my initial proposal, I'd like to retract that.
> Given that the proposed modified CTR is really trying to address a problem
> that may not in fact occur in practice (slow reviews on the branch) let's
> just go with RTC as is done on trunk, and if it turns out that waiting for
> reviews is slowing down progress on the branch, we'll revisit the
> discussion
> at a later date.
> I hope this allays the concerns raised.
> Best,
> Aaron
> --
> Aaron T. Myers
> Software Engineer, Cloudera

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