On Jul 11, 2011, at 3:50 PM, Eli Collins wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 3:05 PM, Jakob Homan <jgho...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Eli wrote:
>>> ....
> This is the *branch* policy, which if I understand correctly, the
> branch maintainer sets. 
> Thanks,
> Eli

I do not understand the new role "branch maintainer". If this is to make 
decisions about the branch, content and direction, I am not in favor of that. I 
think it should be a collaborative process for folks working on the HA branch 
and not an individuals call.

 HA is a collaborative project based around the design that we published. Aaron 
has volunteered to help merge trunk into this branch; others working on the 
project can also help in merging. When it is finally merged into trunk we will 
go through the normal rules (as proposed by Jakob, 3+1s etc., assuming it 

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