On 24/11/11 08:42, Matt Foley wrote:
Yes, branch-0.20-security-205 was branched from branch-0.20-security on 12
September 2011, when it was decided to create the release.  All
commits to branch-0.20-security-205 since that time have also been
committed to branch-0.20-security, so the latter remains a proper superset
of 205.

As agreed in other threads, branch-0.20-security will become branch-1,
while branch-0.20-security-205 will be copied to branch-1.0, from which
release 1.0.0 will be made.
In the future, branch-1 will beget branch-1.1 from which release 1.1.0 can
be made.

Great, thanks for the clarifications (you and Owen).

And congrats on the imminent 1.0.0 release!


Stephen Mulcahy, DI2, Digital Enterprise Research Institute,
NUI Galway, IDA Business Park, Lower Dangan, Galway, Ireland
http://di2.deri.ie    http://webstar.deri.ie    http://sindice.com

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