Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:
The only one thing I felt something out of joint is
usage of the term, "Shepherd".

In the *real* business world, the role of "Shepherd" would
be called as the role of "Mentor".

The word "Mentor" was (originally) derived from Greek Myth
(Mentor was a good teacher of Odysseus' children), however,
it is used to indicate "Good Teacher", "Precursor", "Senior"
, "Mental Supporter" etc.

I prefer to use this term, "Mentor".
e.g. the ASF mentoring member

:>. Shepherd also has implications of a protector who provides all, which is not quite what I think the role is about.

Happy to change the term in the doc if people think it should be
changed, but it seems to be fairly consistently used?


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