> From: Noel J. Bergman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2003 3:49 AM

>> "Meritocracy"?
>> Here is a gooooood stats on this ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) mailing list.
> Excuse me, but volume of messages has nothing to do with merit.  Roy T.
> Fielding posts very infrequently in my experience, but each of his messages
> is worth reading.  He has a way of cutting through reams of BS with a single
> message, and getting others back on track.

Not to mention that we avoid posting these kinds of stats since they
can be misinterpreted and damaging to the community.  No numbers on
how many commits a person does or mails a person posts will tell the
full image.  It may even present a blurred image (someone needing one
commit to get things right versus someone needing ten).  Same for posts;
it's quality and quantity.  And stats don't measure quality.

Please, do not post stats of any kind to say something about merit.


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