> > Capital R.  A "Release" build is a specific notion within the ASF.  Not
> > builds are created equal, and no one was talking about distribution from
> > only.

> Would you mind to explain me what the specific notion means?

See http://httpd.apache.org/dev/release.html for the httpd project's
guidelines.  They use the term "release" the way that Jakarta projects will
use the term "build", but the overall effect is the same.  See
http://jakarta.apache.org/site/binindex.cgi for a description of the
guidelines used by Jakarta and related projects.

Basically the terminology maps, except that httpd calls things a release and
Jakarta calls them a build.  So, roughly speaking, you might look at it as:

   httpd             Jakarta
   -----             -------
                     Nightly build (automated, might not compile)
   alpha release
   beta release      Milestone build
   GA release        Release build

That is why I make sure to write Release with a capital 'R' when referring
to a Release build.

These are just guidelines.  For example, the Apache James project hasn't
been putting out nightly builds, but we do put out test builds that are not
considered milestones.  Those would be more like an alpha release in httpd
project terms.

        --- Noel

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