Okay guys, I get the message. I'll ask XML beans to make a "xmlbeans-is-not-part-of-the-ASF-1.0" release.

On 9/22/2003 10:09 AM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:

Jochen Wiedmann wrote:

i think the point is that a podling is *not* part of the
asf, and is therefore not entitled to distribute something
with the asf's name on it. if the podling graduates, i don't
see any bar to whatever packages were built during incubation
being retitled as asf ones.

There are several things I do not understand here. First of all, IMO, by accepting a project for incubation, it is part of the ASF.

no, it is a *candidate to become* part of the asf. if it fails to exit the incubator, for whatever reason, it doesn't wander off into the sunset bearing the asf name with it. :-)

For whatever other reason am I expected to sign a contribution agreement at the beginning? From your point of view, it would be suffigient to sign when
the project exits incubation.

because the code is being stored on asf infrastructure, among other things.

Next, assuming that my point is wrong, I would assume that incubation is targetted to be a process of transition. Which means, that a project is at some point perhaps not completely ready, but with a sufficient progress. What good does it, to insist in the "final 20 percent" or whatever you are missing?

i'm having trouble parsing that, so i can't respond intelligently. can you rephrase?

Finally, you should not forget that incubated projects are frequently mature and well maintained. What good does it, to forbid them to publish, for example, a release that is "identical to the last public release, except
that the package names are being updated". IMO this is the least what users can expect to guide them in their own transition as soon as possible.

as far as i'm concerned, they can publish whatever they want -- but they
can't call it an asf release. i don't think any harm would be done if
a ga release were made during incubation, labeled with the pre-incubation
name (i.e., not mentioning the asf at all), but i'd have to consider it more
to feel sure about that.

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