Hello All,

I sent the mail below with JAXP 1.3 APIs source code attached as zip but mail bounced back with the following message

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
(reason: 552 ZIP attachments are not accepted here.)

What should i do now ? Is there a way to upload sources on Apache server somewhere ?
Can anyone guide me what is the procedure for such code grants ?

I am looking help from the active committers of Xerces & Xalan community to help put it in a
a branch and make it work there. As i think due to large number of changes it would be a considerable
amount of work. This will also help the committers & community to have a look at the code before
it is merged into the main stream work.

I think i have commit access at xml-commons so i can commit the sources in xml-commons branch
or main trunk (and create branch for old jaxp sources ). What is the opinion of community ? I can
start this as soon as i get a consensus from the community. My preference is to put the sources on
xml-commons main trunk.

Please let me know how should i proceed.


- Neeraj

Hello All,

*Sun Microsystems donates the source code of JAXP 1.3 APIs + implementation to Apache XML.*
JAXP 1.3 (JSR 206 <http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=206>) is significant advancement over JAXP 1.2 and adds whole lot of new functionalities.

* New Schema Validation Framework
* New Object Model neutral XPath APIs
* New Java datatypes which maps to XML Schema Datatypes.
* Reuse parser instance
* Security enhancements
* Support for the latest standards (DOM L3 Core, DOM L3 Load & Save, SAX 2, XML 1.1 and XInclude)

*JAXP 1.3 APIs source code is attached with this mail. *

Due to large size of code base i will be sending different mails for the source code of Xerces & Xalan.

I have attached the original mail where i proposed the process of upgrading xml-commons to JAXP 1.3 APIs and
integrating this donation into the main stream work of Xerces & Xalan. There was a general consensus to my proposal
and we can discuss more about the technicalities of merging with in the appropriate (Xml-commons, Xerces, Xalan)

Let's upgrade to JAXP 1.3 :-)

- Neeraj

Neeraj Bajaj wrote:

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

On Mar 31, 2005, at 12:18 PM, Shane Curcuru wrote:

Excellent news! Thank to Sun folk and Geir for picking up the ball on this one.

Note: once the papers are in the Hallowed Halls, I presume that Neeraj will get some consensus from xml-commons, xalan-dev, and xerces-j-dev as to how to actually check this in?

There is no need to wait until Hall Hallowed-ness has been achieved. I have received them on behalf of the ASF, and don't let the process hold things up.

Great... Thanks Geir. No more held up is good

- Neeraj

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Donation of JAXP 1.3 Sources to Apache
Neeraj Bajaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Tue, 12 Oct 2004 17:32:14 +0530

xerces-j-dev <xerces-j-dev@xml.apache.org>, xerces-j-user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, xalan-dev@xml.apache.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jeff Suttor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "norman.walsh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello All,

As most of you already know JSR 206 [1] JAXP 1.3 has become final. JAXP 1.3 adds lots of new features in the area of XML processing.
It introduces new Schema independent validation framework which decouples the validation as a process independent from parsing.
It allows to compile Schema to an immutable memory representation of Grammar which can validate different instances of XML document thus
greatly improving the performance of XML processing. XPath language provides a simple, concise syntax for accessing individual parts of an
XML document. JAXP 1.3 defines XPath APIs which provides access to the XPath evaluation environment and expression results independent
of the underlying data object model. JAXP 1.3 also adds new Datatypes to the Java platform which maps to some of the W3C XML Schema
Datatypes, Features for Secured XML processing etc. JAXP 1.3 also adds the ability to reset XML Parser and Transformer instance , allowing
application to reuse the same instance to process multiple XML documents. This also helps in increasing XML processing performance.
JAXP 1.3 also upgrades to the W3C stds. like DOM L3 Core DOM L3 L/S, XML 1.1, XInclude.

*Sun Microsystems would like to donate JAXP 1.3 sources (API s + Reference Implementation) to Apache. *

/Details of JAXP 1.3 sources to be donated:/

JAXP 1.3 sources contains the new JAXP 1.3 APIs and the RI (Reference Implementation). RI has been done using
Xerces/Xalan as code base. RI contains the implementation of newly introduced Validation Framework [2], XPath APIs [3]
, Datatypes [4] implementation, SAXParser, DocumentBuilder, Transformer Reset changes, Secured XML Processing changes. Implementation of W3C stds. DOM L3 Core, DOM L3 L/S, XML 1.1, XInclude already exist on Apache Xerces. So in the next
section I have also proposed the way to merge rest of the JAXP 1.3 RI changes into Apache Xerces & Xalan project. I have also
suggested where implementation component should reside i.e. Xerces or Xalan. Any idea or feedback for the smoother and
expedited merger of JAXP 1.3 sources into Apache xml-commons, Xerces & Xalan is very welcome.

*JAXP 1.3 APIs: *

JAXP APIs has been at xml-commons for a long time as these set of APIs are used by many different projects.
With JSR 206 declared as final and many new standards emerging, we should update xml-commons to JAXP 1.3
APIs. I propose JAXP 1.3 APIs to be committed to xml-commons main trunk and apply a tag.

*JAXP 1.3 RI: (Implementation components that should be part of Xerces)*

JAXP 1.3 RI contains the implementation of following packages

javax.xml.parsers ( reset(), xinclude, etc.)

which should reside at Xerces.

I propose that we create a branch, and merge JAXP 1.3 RI changes into that branch. This will help
other Xerces active committers to have a chance to look at it before these changes being finally
committed to main trunk. This process would require merging changes to the branch and then committing
changes to main trunk, i seek help of active Xerces committers.

*JAXP 1.3 RI: (Implementation components that should be part of Xalan)*

JAXP 1.3 RI also has the implementation of newly developed XPath (javax.xml.xpath.*) APIs which i think, should be part of
Xalan/XSLTC project. Besdies this, JAXP 1.3 RI also contains changes done in "javax.xml.transform" package
for ex. now application can use the same Transformer instance by invoking reset().

I propose the same for the Xalan/XSLTC project that we create a branch and JAXP 1.3 Reference Implementation changes are
put there. This will help other Xalan active committers to have a chance to look at it before these changes being finally
committed to main trunk. Again i seek help of Xalan committers for this process.

As always, all feedbacks are more than welcome.

Thanks, Neeraj

[1] http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=206
[2] http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/javax/xml/validation/package-summary.html
[3] http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/javax/xml/xpath/package-summary.html
[4] http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/javax/xml/datatype/package-summary.html

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