On 6/8/05, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> FWIW, versioning schemes such as:
>  M.mQB
> where M == major, m == minor, Q in [D:Development, A:Alpha, B:Beta,
> R:Release], and B == Build# encode the release type.  I supposed that 1.0m1
> represents a milestone.
> In any event, I'm sure that people can come up with some perfectly sane
> scheme to label.  The only thing is that we don't want it to smell like
> official ASF code until after the project graduates the Incubator.

How about something like:
Apache {projectname} (Incubating) vM.mQB ?

e.g. "Apache Beehive (Incubating) v1.0R555"

We already require the word "incubating" in the filenames, but things
like TheServerSide posts wouldn't normally mention this.  I'm
suggesting that the name of the release always include "(Incubating)"
wherever it is mentioned.


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