On Thu, Dec 22, 2005 at 08:01:14PM -0800, Jean T. Anderson wrote:
> Incubator Graduation Check List
> -------------------------------
> [ ] Move svn repo from incubator to new location
>     [ ] *** ? *** requests that infrastructure move svn repository
> Should it be made via email to infrastructure@ or Jira issue?

Belts and suspenders.  =)  File a JIRA issue and email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>     [ ] PMC updates the svn-authorization files to provide committers 
> access to the newly-named repositories.
>     [ ] Project verifies all committers have commit access
>     [ ] Project removes the incubator disclaimer README at the top level
>     [ ] Project updates the STATUS file to reflect graduation

Do you mean the STATUS file within Incubator site?  The project may have
its own STATUS too...

> [ ] Move web site
>    [ ] PMC requests UNIX karma from infrastructure@ for committers to 
> access new location on people.apache.org

Changes in groups requires root privs.  So, email root@ and JIRA.  (Someone
more involved in infra@ than I am may know if the policy has changed...)

>    [ ] Project makes sure all committers know how to and have karma to 
> update the new web site
>    [ ] Project checks out/deploys the files in the new location
>    [ ] PPMC redirects old incubator URL to the new one by editing 
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/public/trunk/site-publish/.htaccess
>    [ ] Project verifies the redirect works, then deletes old stuff at
>      /www/incubator.apache.org/${PROJECT}
>    [ ] PPMC updates http://incubator.apache.org/projects/${PROJECT}.html
>      with link to new website location
> [ ] Incubator cleanup
>     PPMC updates http://incubator.apache.org/projects/index.html 
> project from "Currently Incubating" to "Successfully Incubated" table.
> [ ] Project updates information in JIRA/Bugzilla for the project

This will require infra@ help.

> [ ] Move mail lists
>     PMC requests that infrastructure@ move mailing lists and archives.

File JIRA issues too...

> [ ] If the graduating project wants to send out a press release, it must 
> be cleared with the PRC.


> Additional steps for a TLP:
> [ ] A new TLP needs board approval. The PPMC creates a proposal 
> including a proposed PMC chair and sends that to the board.
> [ ] *** ? *** notifies infrastructure@ about the new TLP (so they can 
> add DNS entries ***and anything else***)

The Chairman will usually send out an official notice that a new TLP has
been approved by the Board.  (Notifications from anyone else should be

> [ ] *** ? *** updates www.apache.org to point to new TLP web site.

Any member can do that.  Ideally, the mentor.

> [ ] *** ? *** adds the new PMC to the board reporting schedule
> (update the committee.txt file).

Pick the one that has the least amount of projects on it to keep it in
balance.  =)

Also, a new TLP is on the hook for monthly board reports for three months
after approval.

Looks good!  -- justin

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