On Wed, Dec 28, 2005 at 03:16:42PM -0500, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
>   - the Board will determine if there is an Incubator PMC vote to
>     accept a new project, but at the moment, any PMC can vote to
>     bring a new project into the Incubator, assuming that they
>     otherwise meet the guidelines.

Yup. And that's the way that I think it should be. The Incubator is
not "close enough" to the problem to make a determination *against*
another PMCs rightful decision that a project would be beneficial for
the ASF. Recognize that other PMCs are *also* operating within the
best interests of the Foundation. That should be a given, and if you
think a PMC is *not* operating that way, then you bring it to the
Board. You don't exercise your displeasure by interfering with the
work that they are trying to accomplish [to benefit the Foundation].

If another PMC decides a project should be incubated, they must
provide the people to make that happen (so we achieve proper scaling
and to put the effort on those who want the results). The Incubator
can't refuse the project outright, but if the STATUS page or
proposal/charter or whatever doesn't meet the guidelines, then the
Incubator can certainly require that it be amended. But you should not
simply be able to kill it outright. Go to the Board for that because
the implication is that the PMC is not acting in the Foundation's best
interests, and THAT is for the Board to handle. Not the Incubator.


Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/

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