On 17.01.2006, at 00:02, Noel J. Bergman wrote:

Martin Cooper wrote:

whether I get involved with the Zimbra toolkit, and try to help them
see the light, I need to make a personal decision between putting my
energy into that, here at the ASF, or putting it into a non-ASF
project that is already on the right track. I know I don't have the
energy to do both. ;-)

FWIW, I would want to see your technical concerns addressed before
graduation, but so far, we have had little if any discussion of what those
tecnical issues really are, or so it seems from the archives.

<rant>Remember that it's about the community not the code... maybe you should add another bullet to the list at http:// incubator.apache.org/incubation/Incubation_Policy.html to record this new criterion as another entry and/or exit requirement...</rant>

Seriously, I don't understand why you are talking about code maturity here - IMO this isn't and shouldn't be one of the incubators concerns - you are here to discuss legal stuff, community issues, mentors and the Apache Way, no?


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