Erik Abele wrote:

> Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> > FWIW, I would want to see your technical concerns addressed before
> > graduation, but so far, we have had little if any discussion of
> > what those tecnical issues really are, or so it seems from the
> > archives.

> Remember that it's about the community not the code... maybe
> you should add another bullet to [Incubation_Policy.html] to
> record this new criterion as another entry and/or exit requirement

New criteria?  I agree with you that it is about community not code, but
that is because we believe that a good community fixes its code.  So if
someone has strong technical objections to something, and the community is
not responsive to them, don't you think that represents a problem?  For
exit, not for entry.

> I don't understand why you are talking about code maturity

If you mean me specifically, you might want to re-read the context of what
I wrote.  :-)

        --- Noel

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