On Mar 13, 2006, at 9:02 AM, Noel J. Bergman wrote:

In general, looks fine. Would you please put JackRabbit on this month's
Board report, since it is going up for a vote?


Can you confirm the community diversity? That is one thing I could not tell straight off, although I do note the comment in July 2005 about crossing the threshold, and observe that there have been at least 4 committers added
since then.  So I'm assuming that it is fine, and therefore +1.

Good point.  Here is the current list of committers and their last
known affiliation

    Roy T. Fielding       Day Software
    Stefan Guggisberg     Day Software
    Serge Huber           independent / Jahia
    Felix Meschberger     Day Software
    Brian Moseley         OSAF
    David Nuescheler      Day Software
    Dominique Pfister     Day Software
    Peeter Piegaze        Day Software
    Edgar Poce            independent?
    Marcel Reutegger      Day Software
Paul Russell independent <http://www.paulrussell.org/ work/>
    Angela Schreiber      Day Software
    Tobias Strasser       Day Software
    Sylvain Wallez        Anyware Technologies
    Jukka Zitting         Yukatan

I don't know where Edgar ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) works, aside from not Day.


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