Mladen Turk wrote:
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

And people in general shouldn't be discussed on this list.

Sorry about that. My bad :(.

Having read the blog myself, I can't really argue though that his 'approach'
isn't germaine to accepting a project he already commits to.  There's a subtle
difference between a person, and a public personality - and the blog in question
clearly shows that this style is deliberately his 'public personality'.

So treat the previous discussion the same as you would, "do we want Rush
Limbaugh as a contributor?"  Since he clearly wants to be perceived as the
harsh critic of open source, with similar vitriol for specific people as
opposed to projects, it's not unreasonable on this list to discuss if that
is welcome in a new incubation project.

But in general - yes problems with a person should be discussed on pmc.


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