On 7/4/06, peter royal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jul 3, 2006, at 11:17 AM, Irving, Dave wrote:
>> So, my proposal is, how about we start creating module(s) in
>> MINA for protocols?
> Of course, Im biased - but It would be a shame if we re-wrote http
> support on top of Mina over again, when we have asyncweb already :o)
> We were originally going to make asyncweb a subproject of mina, but at
> the time it was decided it would be cleaner to keep it as a separate
> project.

Right, it certainly would be a shame.

Interested in bringing AsyncWeb over here? :)

Bringing in AsyncWeb and other possible future contributions will make this
project quite too big to fit into a subproject.  We might need an incubation
process to find a better place for MINA eventually.  Any idea?  I will CC
this message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think that if it lived w/MINA, it might get more help staying up-to-
date with our API changes.

I agree with you. :)

what we call human nature is actually human habit
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