How timely...i've just spent the last hour or two today looking at AsyncWeb
after Dan Diephouse telling me about it at ApacheCon in Dublin. I'm
interested how this could be used by Tuscany or Synapse, so moving it to
Apache sounds good to me.


On 7/3/06, Trustin Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 7/4/06, peter royal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 3, 2006, at 11:17 AM, Irving, Dave wrote:
> >> So, my proposal is, how about we start creating module(s) in
> >> MINA for protocols?
> >>
> >
> > Of course, Im biased - but It would be a shame if we re-wrote http
> > support on top of Mina over again, when we have asyncweb already :o)
> > We were originally going to make asyncweb a subproject of mina, but at
> > the time it was decided it would be cleaner to keep it as a separate
> > project.
> Right, it certainly would be a shame.
> Interested in bringing AsyncWeb over here? :)

Bringing in AsyncWeb and other possible future contributions will make
project quite too big to fit into a subproject.  We might need an
process to find a better place for MINA eventually.  Any idea?  I will CC
this message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think that if it lived w/MINA, it might get more help staying up-to-
> date with our API changes.

I agree with you. :)

what we call human nature is actually human habit
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