On Sun, Oct 08, 2006 at 09:32:56AM -0500, Jason van Zyl wrote:
> ---
> As far as how we came up with the commit list, it's actually pretty  
> neat.  For the proposal, I added everyone who had commit.  For the  
> actual giving commit, I was much more cautious.  I created a status  
> file and gave people basically two months to add their name.  I did  
> this for two reasons
> 1.  filters the completely inactive and proves at least some level of  
> activity (you have to at least read the list and update svn)
> 2.  a formal acknowledgment that you understand and agree with our  
> moving to apache and want to participate
> We ended up with a smaller list of committers, but actually got some  
> old committers active again, so that was a big plus.
> ---
+1 especially if this is carried out _before_ the proposal is voted on.


Mads Toftum

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