On 11/1/06, Garrett Rooney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 11/1/06, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Usually, a dumpfile is used rather than a zipped up repository, I think.
> I would suggest locating an svn admin who can work with you to do a
> test now - so you'd dump the repository without locking it out, load
> it up into the test repository, check it works, so that you know what
> to do and minimise downtime of your commit access when you are ready
> to do the real thing.
> I'm not an svn admin either, though - so best to get in touch with
> them and see how they usually do it :)

A zipped up repository (assuming it's in fsfs format, not bdb) is just
as easy for us to work with as a dumpfile, just means there's one more
step for the infra person doing the job (usually me).

In our case using a dump file may be easier, because our svn repository
wasn't properly setup: a unique repository for several projects, and no
branches / tags / trunk / releases directories. So I will have to use svn
admin tools on a dump file to get a clean repository with standard
directories. So if a dumpfile is as easy to use for you as a zipped
repository, I think I will send a dumpfile.

The other thing we need is a list of the committers who have committed
to the repos in question and the mapping from their old username to
their ASF username so we can convert the old svn:author revprops to
match the new ASF usernames, for consistency.

OK, I'll send this list too when we'll be ready.

Once both of those are available, and all the paperwork (CLAs,
software grants, etc) are sent in and acknowledged by the ASF
secretary just file an INFRA Jira ticket to schedule things and we'll
get it moving.

How can I know that the paperwork is ok? I've already sent my ICLA and the
software grant, but I don't know if they were properly received and

Thanks for your time,
- Xavier


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