
Some of the discussion here to me seems to be backward: adding constraints to the entry of a podling to the incubator.

I'd hope that we could get podlings, including all of their current community, into the incubator and then actively mentor/monitor its activities to promote diversity and openness. It may be quite time- consuming, if possible at all, to try to analyze a proposed podling's alignment with Apache's values, especially if the only metrics we have are the proposed podling's committer list.

During incubation, diversity and openness have to be evaluated to see if the community has achieved its goals prior to graduation. If the community was not diverse at entry, and has not attracted outside committers, then it doesn't graduate. These goals are well-defined in the incubation process.

Bottom line, I'd rather see the focus on achieving diversity goals on the way to graduation, not on raising barriers to entry into incubation.

A couple of additional comments below...

On Nov 19, 2007, at 9:05 AM, Jukka Zitting wrote:


On Nov 18, 2007 1:46 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
3) Limit the number of new non-ASF initial committers for incubating projects
People who were not ASF committers but come in via a newly incubating
project do not get their commit rights via the normal ASF meritocracy

I don't see how being an ASF committer would make you special as an
initial committer of an incubating project?

Right. Podlings' committer lists are independent of current Apache committer lists.

IMHO we should allow
everyone who is actively involved with the codebase to follow the code
as a committer within the incubating project.

I agree. How can we exclude folks who are already active on a project?

We could (or should) better define what that "actively involved" means
(based on ASF-like merit rules) and police that definition so people
won't use the incubator proposals as shortcuts for committership.

I don't have experience with people padding their resumes with "Committer on Incubating Apache <Podling>" and not doing anything productive on <Podling>. Is this really a concern? If anyone does due diligence via the podling mailing lists it should be obvious what the truth is.

So I have no issue with anyone becoming a committer on a podling, given that all of the podling committers are reviewed at graduation to make sure they've demonstrated their commitment to the project.

Making existing ASF committership a part of that entry criteria (even
as a special bonus) sounds wrong to me.

I agree.



Jukka Zitting

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Craig Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System http://java.sun.com/products/jdo
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P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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