J Aaron Farr wrote:

If the fork wishes to do more than patch up the original or wishes to
create its own identity unique from the Apache original, then it would
be wise to rename the packages, but there is no legal requirement to
do so.

believing you that there is no legal requirement (I am no lawyer ;-), but that's also my understanding of the ASF license and incubator agreement), then that's how it is for the moment.

But for the future I think it's in the best interest of the ASF to think about this more thoroughly, because it can be very misleading if one is using Java packages with org.apache.*, but this code

- might have nothing to do with the ASF
- might be a fork of existing ASF, but has been changed quite a bit in the meantime

To me the first step would be to talk to these people and ask them kindly to change the package names. If they will change it, then almost everyone will be happy, except people with dependencies, but that can be fixed by keeping previous versions available and adding a note.

The problem is when people don't want to change and this is where the ASF should ask itself "do we care" (well, I do) and if the ASF does care, then what can be done? Are there legal means? Are there other means?



 J Aaron Farr     jadetower.com        [US] +1 724-964-4515
   馮傑仁          cubiclemuses.com     [HK] +852 8123-7905

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