Yoav Shapira wrote:
On Jan 30, 2008 2:24 AM, Mark Slee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What we'd really
like to set up here is a system where there are different people with
committer priveleges to different parts of the project.

I'm not a huge fan of this, but I love the rest of the proposal, so +1
to it!  I'm also happy to help as a mentor if one is still needed.

Before I vote, and before you get a flurey of "we won't accept this"
responses, please define *exactly* which partitions you forsee for
committers in the proposal, instead of leaving it as something vague
that some incubator folks here are very concerned with.

Niclas is correct - this can create hardships, resentments, control
issues in your community.  If it's a simple as "we don't trust you
Java folks on day one to properly indent Python code" I can sympathize
with that concept.

But if you spell out what the separations are, ask non-fluent coders
to submit patches for a while before demonstrating commit access to
those other code bases, it *can* work.  But beyond languages, and some
cliff of "demonstrated fluency in this subproject's language", you will
probably have committer issues by fracturing the community.

So if you want partitioning, please define it very narrowly, before
we move on to count this vote.


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