On Wed, 2008-01-30 at 11:50 -0500, Ben Maurer wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Jan 2008, Upayavira wrote:
> > As you can see from other proposals, I think you'll find it work better
> > with a single committer pool. As others have said, I personally have
> > never seen a problem with this approach - people steer away from code
> > that they are unfamiliar with, or tend to ask permission before
> > wandering that way. So, so while separating committerships might sound
> > useful, I don't think it is really necessary.
> >
> > "Control" of codebases works best in Apache when it is done through
> > human respect rather than access rights - in the end, the whole project
> > management committee (which is made up of all or some committers, plus
> > mentors during incubation) is responsible for the whole codebase.
> +1 for this. Having "committer" access does not mean "unilateral 
> permission to check in new code". I think that Thrift is going to need a 
> code review model that is more strict than projects of a similar age -- 
> Thrift is so essential for a number of people's production infratructure 
> that having many eyes look over patches is important.
> People given commit access should be trusted to be reasonable with the 
> power they have been granted. If this level of trust isn't present, then 
> they shouldn't have ANY commit access.


> In regards to too many Facebook developers -- I don't think this is a huge 
> issue at this point. What is most important is that the folks at Facebook 
> are open about contributions they make and that they treat non-Facebook 
> developers equally. I think that this is already happening, and that the 
> Facebook developers are committed to making this a ture community project.

The issue is a graduation issue. Thrift won't graduate with a
preponderance of Facebook committers - it needs to be a sufficient
balance of folks such that, even if Facebook pulled out of development,
Thrift would survive. Also, there needs to be sufficient non-Facebook
developers such that, should (heaven forbid) Facebook try to subvert the
project, there are sufficient developers to prevent this.

Of course, this concern applies to all companies, and is not specific to

Regards, Upayavira

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