On 30.01.2008, at 10:35, Niclas Hedhman wrote:

On Wednesday 30 January 2008 15:24, Mark Slee wrote:
What we'd really
like to set up here is a system where there are different people with
committer priveleges to different parts of the project.

Hmmm... I would oppose this for two reasons;

1. Creating boundaries within a project, yet collaborate on the PMC level seems odd to me. Either people are entrusted within the project (committer rights) or they are not (no committer rights). If you think that a Thrift Java programmer will mess up the Ruby Thrift code, then you have bigger
problems to deal with, IMHO.

2. Some people will eventually become fluent in more than one of these. Are you now going to start a VOTE on granting access to such member to another part of the project? Who is to decide that? The people involved in that language only or the whole PMC (ignoring for a fact that ASF has rules for
this)? I can't see it work in practice.

We already have something like this in place for other projects; e.g. in HTTPD we sometimes give only access to the docs or specific module sub-trees instead of the whole codebase and the same is done with log4 (j|net|php|cxx) and lucene-(java|net|c)...

I agree that it's not the optimal way to do things and that trust should be enough to manage it, but OTOH I don't see it as a real obstacle which would warrant a -1 for incubation. Partioning _can_ make sense and might prove useful if the committership is growing quickly...

In the end they are here to learn The A Way and if it turns out to be a problem then they won't be able to graduate so I think it's premature to turn down the proposal just because of this.


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