On 4/23/08, Adam Lally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Among the UIMA committers, I'm the main proponent of the "no version
>  numbers in jar names".  Jar file names that change in each version
>  have always driven me crazy because they force users to update their
>  classpaths when they upgrade their UIMA version.  A lot of tools just
>  don't handle this well - Eclipse is one example, AFAIK it doesn't give
>  you any way to use wildcards in classpath so as to pick up any
>  version.

I'm very against removing version numbers from jar files. The benefit
of exactly knowing which version is actually on my classpath outweighs
any benefit of having to modify the classpath manually. Startup
scripts can generate a classpath very easily on both Windows and unix
like systems.

The time people have to spend chasing bugs because someone doesn't
have the right version on the classpath (or possibly multiple versions
without knowing it) can be better spent on solving actual bugs,
writing documentation or implementing new features.


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