Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 2:10 PM, William A. Rowe, Jr.
Just so everyone understands this in context, the objection above is moot

No, it's not.  Anything that creates an impetus for a podling to get
out of the Incubator is goodness.  Too many podlings view the
Incubator as a comfy place - I believe that the Incubator PMC needs to
create more of a reason for projects to get in gear and graduate.
This isn't college - you don't get to stay here for the best seven
years of your life.  =)

I would almost say we should revisit the entire policy of letting a
podling release at all, but yah, I'm not really caring to reopen
*that* can of worms.  -- justin

EXACTLY.  I'm reading about 1/2 the -1 votes against Maven-releases as
against *releases*.  Which is absurd.  The current situation of .jar
distribution from people.apache.org is crap, you know it, and maven is
the appropriate solution.

Even if it doesn't kick them out the door.  Perhaps the real policy to
revisit is permitting ASF Projects to depend on Incubating efforts,
beyond beta releases.

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