+1 (binding)

They are releases, they are meant to go out to users, so
let them get out. If podlings feel too comfortable in the
Incubator, then take the direct approach: go to those
podlings and make them feel uncomfortable. Block them
from making any more incubating releases at all if you
want to, but don't try to put artifical barriers on the
distribution of the code that is released.

Users who would care about "incubating" disclaimers will
find those via Maven too. Users who don't care will ignore
them no matter what you do. You can't force users to care.


Jukka Zitting wrote:
I would like to finally resolve the issue one way or another

Until somebody on the other way reopens it in a few months ;-(

[ ] +1 Yes, allow extra release distribution channels like the central
Maven repository
[ ] -1 No, keep the current policy

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