On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 9:12 AM, William A. Rowe, Jr.
> Davanum Srinivas wrote:
>> Fine...Please state your *specific* use case scenario that is
>> problematic right now
> The problem set is that this thread now exceeds 500 posts in four
> years, with only one technically appropriate conclusion.

Amazing!!! :-)

IMHO, the discussion has the wrong focus... And as long as the
disclaimers are the "issue" there will not be a resolution that
everyone can agree on (I can't even agree with myself).

Go back to my suggestion;

"Podlings are subprojects of Incubator. And Incubator PMC are
reponsible, just like any other TLP with sub-projects."

Highly controversial standpoint, I guess. But for me, with that all
problems with Maven, releases and what not goes away. The PMC can then
focus on "Shall WE release this code?" for each podling requesting it.
Meaning, I will vote NO for every podling I am not confident will
graduate in the near future, since *I* don't want to be responsible
for such codebase when the podling goes "poof".

Logically speaking, this sounds like the simplest solution that can
possibly work.


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