On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 2:22 PM, Jochen Wiedmann
<jochen.wiedm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Commons is working *now*. Just as Jakarta was working once. But
> Commons will most likely no longer work when it is growing too much.
> And the things discussed here (making Commons the target of many new
> subprojects, which aren't integrated into Commons, thus must likely
> will never be) are clearly implying this danger. That's not about
> external committers. It is about too many committers.

Ah! I sure can relate to this, but isn't this a different issue altogether?

And in what sense would a "permanent commons incubation project" help with this?

>> I am still of the opinion that it can be handled within Commons, with
>> IP Clearance registrations at the Incubator.
> Disagreed. Assuming that the Incubator changes its policy to have
> projects exiting without community: Why can't another project be the
> target (depending on the projects topic, of course). Why should this
> be so special to Commons?

I hope I have never singled out Commons. Apache Felix is accepting
some relatively small codebases every now and then, via the
IP-clearance process and 'internal committer training' if you like
such term. The result is mixed, some people come in and continue to
work on the code, some don't but IMHO there has not been any harm.
Active committers are on the PMC, the inactive or AWOL ones are not.
And Felix typically don't bother with a 'special area' and instead
embrace the codebase and try to assist as much as possible to bring it
up to ASF standards.
I am pretty sure this happens elsewhere (I don't hang around that many
projects), and IMHO a good thing, which I would like to see happen in
Commons as well. And the Commons PMC should be very conscious about
what makes sense, feels right and can be supported.

Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer
http://www.qi4j.org - New Energy for Java

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