(a) Some consider SVN to be part of your distribution, and some don't,
so there's no true resolution there
(b) Per,
this weighs on us less because we're an incubating project that had
these dependencies before we joined the ASF.

Bottom line:
We'll remove those dependencies from SVN altogether in the trunk (and
thus for all future releases) by migrating them to Google Code -- just
to make sure there's no ambiguity about what's ASF-compliant and
what's not.  But in the meantime, based on the two points above, this
shouldn't hold up the 1.1 release.


On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 12:13 PM, Todd Volkert <> wrote:
>> We don't have any LGPL libraries in the distribution - only in SVN, for some 
>> demos that aren't actually included in the distribution artifacts.
> Or dependencies of any kind, for that mater.  The actual *release* is
> compliant with ASF's policies.  If our SVN repository is not, that
> will be fixed as soon as I get an answer from legal, and I can strip
> out the code from the trunk as well as the tag, but all the while, the
> tarballs and zip files were compliant.

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