Thanks Kevan, do I need to call for that formally myself or does it need to
come from an Incubator PMC member?


Nicholas Gallardo
WebSphere  - REST & WebServices Development
Phone: 512-286-6258
Building: 903 / 5G-016

             Kevan Miller                                              
   >                                                    To
             05/12/2009 02:53                                           cc
                                       Re: Apache Wink Proposal        
             Please respond to                                         

On May 6, 2009, at 11:40 AM, Nicholas L Gallardo wrote:

> All,
> Given that the discussion has quieted down after an initial flurry,
> I was hoping we could move this forward.
> If there are no further comments/concerns, could we call for a vote
> on whether or not to accept the proposal by Friday? With a few folks
> expressing interest for their projects, we'd like to get going on
> this to try and get an early version out this summer.
I'd certainly agree that it's time for a vote.

> On a side note, I've shared our changes with the CXF community in a
> JIRA here:


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