On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 5:30 AM, Doug Cutting <cutt...@apache.org> wrote:
> Aidan Skinner wrote:
>> I'd flip this around and look at it from the PoV of a
>> not-yet-committer. RTC means everybody goes through basically the same
>> process - (raise jira), hack, submit patch, patch gets reviewed, patch
>> gets committed regardless of whether they have a commit bit or not.
> +1 With RTC as I've practiced it, becoming a committer doesn't so much give
> a privilege as a duty: committers are expected to review and commit patches
> promptly.

I am curious (never worked in a RTC environment);

Does that mean that people turn down offers of commit rights? Does it
mean that less commit rights are offered? Does it mean that commit
rights are offered to those that do reviews even if they don't write
much code?

I mean, if I can see only downsides, then why should I bother? Perhaps
bragging rights to friends are enough for first-timers, but hardly to
people that have been around the block a few times...

Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer
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