Stefane Fermigier wrote:

On Dec 12, 2009, at 1:36 PM, Michael Wechner wrote:

Stefane Fermigier schrieb:
OK, I personally believe this is in contradiction with the first commandment of the Apache Way:

"*Community over Code* is a frequent saying that exemplifies ASF projects. Community uses Openness and Merit, expressed through Collaborative and Consensus driven work, to build lasting projects that use a Pragmatic License. While a diverse community is a requirement for every ASF project, we also expect people to contribute as Individuals, and wear appropriate Hats."

I cannot see any contradiction. Can you explain where exactly you see the contradiction?

As I understand it, the Apache Way means that building consensus has more value than a code base that can be donated but can't be modified because, well, there are good reasons not to do it.

are you refering to the OpenCMIS code? If so, then please say so and give the OpenCMIS folks a change to prove different.

-> Let our Apache Foundation overlords decide.

who are you refering to?

I'm not familiar with the process, but I understand that some people are going to be responsible for deciding who will graduate and who won't.

maybe you want to take a look at

since I guess this also matters to Chemistry ;-)

I still think that at least there should be common code (ex: constants, as suggested by Jukka) and I hope that this will the case, in any case.

Maybe you want to go one step towards OpenCMIS and make a concrete suggestion what you think could be shared and I am quite certain the OpenCMIS guys will also make a step towards Chemistry as well .... and I am confident collaboration will happen, but yes somebody has to make a first step and maybe it is even an advantage to take this first step ;-)

I think suggestions have already been made.

are you refering to Jukka's suggestions? Of which suggestions exactly?

@OpenCMIS folks: What is your point of view re Jukka's suggestions?




Stefane Fermigier, Founder and Chairman, Nuxeo
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