Besides DOAP file and the incubator nomenclature, I may need help identify
the addition responsibilities for Apache PMC.  One problem, Chukwa community
did not have a vote for PMC Chair because we are not sure what is the right
process for this.  Meanwhile, I have been writing quarterly report like any
other Apache project, only recipient of the report is different.

Chukwa releases have been voted by Chukwa community which is similar to
Hadoop releases, and managed incremental changes using patches and
committers.  Code audit has been performed by the committers to ensure we
don't bring in license incompatible libraries into Chukwa.

Owen O'Malley had trained us these procedures roughly two years ago, and we
have been executing the same process ever since.

Chukwa has a community of exist user base of 35 people.  It would be nice to
make Chukwa a special case to skip incubator nomenclature.  This would ease
the migration path for the existing Chukwa community.


On 6/22/10 7:11 AM, "Greg Reddin" <> wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 3:40 AM, Bernd Fondermann
> <> wrote:
>> IIUC, the only issue right now is that the committers are hesistant to
>> go TLP because they've never been on a PMC before.
>>> The current proposal doesn't use the incubator naming for the mailing
>>> lists and svn location, from past discussions here it should really be
>>> using the incubator naming unless its a very special case. Is this a
>>> special case?
>> Good catch. I think the Incubator nomenclature should apply to Chukwa as
>> well.
> It seems to me that it would save everyone some work if they went
> straight with the TLP nomenclature. If they only need a short time in
> the Incubator to learn how to be a PMC, then maybe the Incubator
> nomenclature is not necessary and just creates more work for infra,
> PMC, and users when they graduate.
> Greg
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